Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Check out the NEW Family Blog

so we are closing down Padraic's Place and setting up a new home for all our blogging needs check out for all the new and exicting events in our lives.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


So it has been very exciting around our house. Padraic has been cruising around the house so we got out the walker and he became a pro on the first try. you can hear Silas giving comentary in the backgound. We are really excited and very nervous about this step (no pun intended).

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Ever Moving Quicker than Quick Super Duper Padraic

Let just start by saying this kid is amazing, but the only time he is still is when he is asleep. He is all arms and legs and giggles it's great. He gave us a scare last week, he was pretty sick and had a significant fever. He didn't want to be put down, but I had to change Silas' diaper so I put Padraic on the floor and put a shaker in one hand and his cup in the other. Under normal circumstances Padraic would have been out the door almost as soon and he touched the floor but he didn't move. I changed Silas' diaper and turned around to pick him up and he was sitting with the cup and shaker in his hands just as I had left him. I knew then that he was sick and not just teething. Thank God we got through that night and now he is all over the place once again. This morning he proved that he is growing by reaching up and grabbing my large water cup by the rim and pulling it down, spilling a quart of water all over the floor. Fun times.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Okay so my 8 month old is standing up and cruising. I think I'm in bigger trouble than I anticipated. The first day he pulled himself up was Christmas day, but I didn't think anything of it, but he's kept on doing in. Today he pulled himself up on my leg and let go. He stood there for a little while then fell to his bottom. I'm not sure I'm ready for this.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Lulu's Wedding, 1st Bath & Other Cute Things

We have had a busy couple of weeks around here. Last weekend was the long awaited wedding of Auntie Lulu and Uncle Ayam. Padraic was such a trooper. He napped while dancing and ate while sitting in daddy's lap and did a little dancing of his own. It was fun for all.
Padraic also experienced his first bath. Which, as expected he hated. The only way we could get him to stop screaming was to give him a spoon. Silas didn't appreciate the screaming or the spoon. So we were quick to get Padraic clean and out of the tub before Silas started to join in the fray.
I added the sleeping pic 'cause we aren't do much of that in our house right now. Silas and Padraic both have pretty bad colds so sleep is rather difficult with all the congestion. Other than that Padraic is well on his way to over taking his brother in size. He just graduated to size 4 diapers...crazy I know. And on top of eating solid food and crawling his is pulling him self up to his feet and trying desperately to talk. He is definitly keeping me on my toes.

Friday, January 9, 2009

First Food!

We got through being sick and now it's time for solid food. Padraic has been reaching for food off the dinner table for a couple of weeks now. But with all the illness we've held off till we knew that no urping would in sue. So tonight we bit the bullet and gave him some yummy cereal. Which as you can see he ate up with enthusiasm. Well almost. He was more interested in Mommy's baked potato. His faces were priceless. I can't wait to see what he does for broccoli.


Disneyland for Padraic was an adventure. We weren't sure he was over puking yet and we knew there wouldn't be much that he could do. He didn't smile the whole time we were there. So we are quite glad that he won't remember this trip. But he did ride on the 100 Acre Wood ride and did a lot of sleeping in his stroller. And we couldn't resist the mickey ears. So cute.